Saturday, May 12, 2007

Prevent The Causes Of Back Pain In Pregnancy

It is estimated that two-thirds of pregnant women will feel back and pelvic pain by their 36th week of pregnancy. As the baby grows and becomes heavier, additional pressure is placed on the back to support the mothers growing abdomen. Another contributor to back pain is the position of the growing baby in the womb. There could be many different factors that may bring on all types of back pain in the expectant mother. Stress and over exertion are also major factors to consider as it could directly effect the health of the baby. While most back pain resolves itself a few months after giving birth, some spinal pain can be prevented altogether. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

One of the most important factors to consider is stress. Stress alone can cause lower back pain. Try to relieve your stress, even if it is for just a few moments daily. Set aside 'mommy time' every day so that you can release bad energy, decompress then refresh and relax. Meditate, take a warm bath, listen to soothing music, anything that helps you relax. You will be surprised at how helpful just 10 minutes or so a day of this activity can be in relieving your stress.

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